Time for yourself in October
Hello Lovely readers!
How are you all?! Sorry we have not posted in a couple of weeks, Things have been stressful in the world with work, Toms driving because his test is coming up soon and general life things. Does anyone else have these times? Some times people say 'ohh you get good days and bad days'... but do people actually speak about these hmm?... haha! But on a positive side of things, me and Tom cant believe how many of you are following us on Twitter and slowly but surely people are starting to hear about us at Sunday North. We are on Twitter everyday, thanking people for following and always following people back. If you would like us to follow you, then come and find us :) Its super exciting all of the time. With this in mind, I did want to chat to you today about taking time out for yourself. I know that when I'm at work I always say, 'Oh I cannot wait to get home and put on my pjs and watch tv or even just lay on my bed watching YouTube videos (been doing that now for over 6years haha). But I have been doing this a lot more and it has been benefiting me a lot and I'm starting to thank myself for it.
I have been having a bit of a routine and this is what I do...
1st, Having Tea early around 5pm/6pm ish
2nd, If not already, get into your pjs
3rd, Plan what you want to do in the evening; I love watching soaps on Tv
4th, Candles, candles and more candles
5th Bed around 9.45pm
This has been working for me soo much recently, to the point were my body wants to relax. If you don't relax, this is not me telling you what to do, but its taken me a while to reelaxx and its come to a part in my life were I think No its my down time, a time for the world to stop and I'm just going to chill. Tom does the same, he does his little thing on his phone playing whatever game but its true and I feel so much better even for telling you lovely lot about it all. This is also amazing on a Sunday OHHH my! So If we dont ever post on a Sunday you know whats happening ahah!.
Taking the time out of your day to relax is so good for your health, your mind set and mental health. It can also help centre you back down if your week(s) have been intense. I find that when I do my little 5steps, I'm ready in my head-space for another day, if that makes any sense. I would love love love to know what things you do to relax, any tips we can have let us know or have a discussion in the comments about relaxing techniques.
I feel so strongly about this blog post even though a lot of you already have your own evening routine I think its nice to even get into bed early and do some online shopping or watch some YouTubers. I would love to know what you all do to relax because I have struggled in the past to do this for myself and it feels great now I/we are doing this to feel great. Since Christmas is coming up, think we best start relaxing ASAP! hahaha. I'm going to end the post here lovely's because I do believe that Im baking wednesday and I shall take pictures for you so you can have another recipe for baking a Victoria Sponge! Yum Yum. Look out for that. Links will be listed below.
Thank you again and Do let us know about your relaxing tips :)
Take Care Leah and Tom
Twitter @Sunday_North
Instagram @OffialSundayNorth
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