All about the Toner

Hello everyone! I thought I would talk about my face toners which I use on an evening/before bed . Am really enjoying this little routine and think that my face looks better for it.

Firstly I use Breath of Fresh Air from Lush. I spray this onto a cotton pad and sweep it across my face to get rid of any bits of makeup that I might not have washed off. Or from my Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm

This toner is very fresh and uplifting. Its quite cheep in Lush too, round £3.25 ish and I have loads left still. 

My next toner is the Aesop Balancing Toner £21. This is a very muched loved product because I got this in London when my boyfriend took me for a surprise visit!! love him. I had heard about this brand a lot and I wanted to buy something that I would try out. This smells interesting but I don't hate it. Its quite clean and fresh but has a herbal smell. as well. I got this in December and as you can see I still have quite a bit left and I use this every night I have missed some nights at uni :s 

This is an expensive toner, its not cheap and can be a step people forget about or feel like they don't need. But I will repurchase this because in the words of Caroline Hirons- You only get one face. I feel that this is money well spent. 

The last Toner out of the bunch is this sample from Clarins. Its there Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner which is supposed to be used twice a week. I have sometimes been using it more and my skin feels great. I will be looking into buying the full size once payday comes because its £25 This toner is perfect for a midweek pick me up and makes your skin glow. 

To apply all of these toners I always used these cotton pads from Superdrug. They are such a good size and you can get more than one use out of it by using the other side! yes

So my skin is looking and feeling quite good :) Do you use any toners?

Thank you for reading my post!



  1. Clarins is amazing! I have rosacea and when it gets really bad I have to use a strong solution from the drs which dries out my skin. This with a mix of clarins is the only brand that helps to clear it and its the only thing that helps the redness! Expensive but so worth it. I might try that one from lush aswell, their stuff is very sensitive skin friendly! xx

    1. I love Clarins so much, darn expensive tho haha. Oh really well defo try a Lush Toner they have others aswell. Smell the rose one :) xxx

  2. I really want to try some Aesop products! I use a toner at the moment by Garnier that I picked up in Bodycare for about £2 although I'm hankering after the Pixie Glow Tonic. xx

    1. Hey! aww whats your toner by Garnier? Yeah I am wanting to try the Pixie Glow tonic too :)



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